I am very excited and happy to announce the launch of the ‘BeenThere Sales Coaching Hour’. As a direct result of the success and growth of my Sales Coaching business, where I work with businesses to develop and grow their sales organizations, there have been requests to create a group sales coaching venue. The goal is to provide an affordable and time efficient sales program that meets regularly to help business owners, sales leaders, and salespeople to talk about challenges they are dealing with in real time. To get expert advice and recommendations to help them to move forward with their current opportunities from the introduction to the close. And get sales training as they go along. In the end, the results will be more sales, more profits, more happy customers, and growth.
In response to this request, I have created the “BeenThere Sales Coaching Hour’. We will meet via Zoom beginning August 2, 2023, every Wednesday from Noon – 1:00PM Eastern Time. Each week we will cover a specific topic relative to the sales process. The meeting is designed to be interactive where all participating members will be able to talk about their individual situations and receive recommendations from participants and me. As time moves forward the knowledge base will grow as will the positive results. There is power in sharing experiences.
Here is the best news. For all those benefits, the cost to join is only $45 per month. When you register this month (July 2023), your first month will be free. If you find that it is not for you, there is no obligation, you can cancel at any time. There is no long-term commitment. Your credit card will be charged at the beginning of each month for as long as you choose to be a member. From talking with interested individuals and businesses, I am confident that you as salespeople, business owners, and sales leaders be motivated at the conclusion of the meetings while looking forward to the next meeting.
If you have any questions, contact me at:
Email: Info@BeenThereCS.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/philwhitebloom
Website: https://beentherecs.com/contact-us/
Sign up here
Please pass this announcement along to others you know that will benefit from joining this sales coaching group. I look forward to seeing and working with you.
Launching later this month: BeenThere/SoldThat Podcast (watch for details)
Good Selling!