Welcome to the BeenThere Newsletter. I am excited to introduce you to the newsletter and to BeenThere Consulting Services (BTCS).
BTCS is focused on sales coaching for businesses and individuals. I often get asked, “do you mean sales training?” The answer is, partially. Coaching addresses directly the immediate needs of the client. Everything from setting up or perfecting sales processes, prospecting, moving a specific opportunity forward, creating effective presentations, and deep dives into any or all the key areas of selling. All the time focused on driving near term revenue while building for the future. Training alone is linear. It starts at the beginning of the sales process and takes you to closing. The timing of topic coverage can miss the mark in addressing current situations. Training rarely includes coaching. Coaching always includes training. As a coach we focus on providing you with actionable and measurable skills and solutions that will benefit you from the very first meeting. We do this by learning where your needs are now, what challenges you are currently experiencing, and the relative urgency. We then work with you to develop approaches, procedures, and to achieve positive results. Thus, giving you an ROI each time we meet.
No one program fits every need. We offer a variety of options to meet the needs of those who want to improve their sales.
♦ One-to-one coaching: Custom program designed to meet client’s needs.
♦ BeenThere Sales Coaching Hour: Group Coaching focused on specific topics and skills development.
♦ BeenThere/SoldThat Mastermind: High-end group coaching where members work together to solve problems.
To determine which program will work for you or someone you know, contact us!
This newsletter will keep you posted on BTCS happenings and offerings. It will also provide takeaways that will be valuable to your sales efforts.
Please opt-in to continue receiving the newsletter.
Good Selling!