October 2, 2023

Phil and Brianna discuss meeting etiquette in client meetings and how to handle the mechanics of them. Sound simple?  This can be the biggest hurdle for some.

We discuss all the topics:
*You only have one chance to make a first impression.
*If you’re on time you’re late.
*Don’t be so early that you tick people off.
*If you’re running late CALL or TEXT – NO EXCUSES
*Create space for traffic, bio breaks, and lunch
*Check your breath AND your teeth!
*Look your best to feel confident and put your best foot forward
*Respect other people’s time
*Create a positive experience for your clients

Listen to this podcast to learn meeting basics. Join us as we share our experience and experiences designed to give you takeaways that could be implemented immediately into your business.

Brianna Hendley, Founder of Achievant | www.achievantcoaching.com

Phil Whitebloom, Founder of Been There Consulting Services | | www.beentherecs.com