When was the last time you sold your product or service to a customer or client simply so they could have it? I am willing to go out on a limb and say that this probably has not happened. So why do they buy it from you? I know, because they need it to do something for them. And this is where many salespeople focus their questions, attention, and presentation. Even after doing a fine presentation, answering questions, and handling objections, they lose the sale to a competitor. The salesperson is frustrated and baffled. How could this have happened? My offering met their objectives, and the pricing was competitive.
Recently, I was interviewing and being interviewed by a prospective client for my sales coaching services. For one hour we met, and I asked her many questions about her business, how she sells, where she is very effective, and where she is challenged. I could have stopped there and gone into my presentation armed with the information she shared with me. I would have targeted my presentation completely based on what I learned and how I could help her overcome her challenges and be successful. Maybe I would have been successful in winning her business. Or maybe not.
I did not do that. After learning about those things I described, I went on to ask her, “Why do you want to make your sales targets? Why is that important to you?” When she replied I asked, “What do you ultimately want to achieve, and what is holding you back.” With great passion in her voice and body language, instantly she gave me those answers. I now knew her dominant buying motive.
My sales coaching was not about making her a better and more successful salesperson. My sales coaching was putting her on a visible path to achieve that dominant buying motive.
In the end, I never talked about myself except for explaining how I work and why I am qualified to be her coach. The entire time I was focused on her, the prospect. She was so excited to work with me because she believes that she has found the person that can help make her lifelong dream come true, she agreed to move forward.
It is not how your product or service “works”, or what it costs. It is about ultimately what will help your customers to achieve for themselves. By focusing on that DBM you will have a new customer/client and your competitors will never know what hit them.
I am interested in your thoughts and stories. Please tell me by sending me an email, Phil@BeenThereCS.com. In the subject line type: “Decision Makers”
Using just your first name, I will share your insights on the blog page of my website: https://beentherecs.com/blog-news/. This way others can benefit from your insights and experiences.
If you would like to learn more about working with me and the BeenThere Consulting Services team, please contact me at https://beentherecs.com/contact-us/.
The BeenThere/SoldThat Podcast
Join Brianna Hendley of Achievant Business Coaching and me as we cover sales and business-related topics designed to build your skills and increase your knowledge. Our mission is provide you with takeaways to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
Click on this link to listen or search your favorite podcast provider (Been There Sold That Podcast).
BeenThere SoldThat Podcast
Achievant Business Coaching, Your GPS to Success
Brianna Hendley, the founder and CEO of Achievant Business Coaching has a wonderful program underway. Do you want to accelerate your success? Click below to learn more.
Learn more
You Must Write a Book
Many of you have told me that you are thinking about writing a book. Some of you are in the process of writing. The questions I have for you are, “What do you want your book to do? How will you measure the success of your book?” If the answers to those questions are important to you, then you must learn from an expert, highly accomplished author, entrepreneur, and coach. My friend and mentor, Honorée Corder is that person. The first step is purchasing her series of books, and when you are ready, her courses. I have done this myself. I don’t know how I could have done it without them. Here are the links:
You Must Book Business Series
Empire Builders Masterclass
Join the Advance Reader Team
“Handling Objections, Clues for Closing The Sale”
Would you like to be a member of the “advanced reader team” for my new book to be released in the coming weeks?
Contact me and in the Message box https://beentherecs.com/contact-us/. Tell me that you would like to be on the Advance Reader Team. I will add you to the list. Approximately two weeks before the release date, you will get an email with a link on how to read the book. My ask is that you write a review and tell your friends and colleagues.
BeenThere Consulting Services, LLC
BeenThere Consulting Services is a sales coaching company. Coaching is more than training. We work with your specific sales needs in real-time. We address what is impacting your business now, while creating enhanced processes and developing skills for future success. Our promise is that you will have actionable take-a-ways after each meeting, which will increase your sales and benefit your business overall.
No one program fits every need. We offer a variety of options to meet the needs of those who want to improve their sales.
- One-to-one coaching: Custom programs designed to meet client’s needs.
- BeenThere Sales Coaching Hour: Group Coaching focused on specific topics and skills development.
- BeenThere/SoldThat Mastermind SB: High-end group coaching for small business owners, where members work together to solve problems for themselves and others.
How to contact us
To determine which program will work for you or someone you know, contact us at https://beentherecs.com/contact-us/.
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