For the purpose of this blog, we are defining a sales manager as an individual that manages salespeople.
As the founder of BeenThere Consulting Services, a sales coaching company, I interface with thousands of people on a monthly basis. This occurs through one-on-one coaching, group coaching, podcasting, networking, guest speaking, workshops, one-on-one meetings, and this blog.
Managing salespeople more than 30 years
Most people know and think of me as a salesperson. This is a badge I am proud to wear. I entered professional selling as a field salesperson in 1980. I got my first sales supervisor role in 1982 (managing one new salesperson), and in 1992 I was handed my first sales manager job as Regional Sales Manager for Sony’s Government Sales Division in the Washington, D.C. area.
Build your career by eliminating the competition
As a side note, and a blog for another day, I interviewed and competed to be a salesperson for Sony in 1986. I was chosen and I remained at Sony for 23 years. I was promoted several times and had many tremendously satisfying responsibilities. I retired from Sony in 2009 and went on to lead sales departments and organizations in other companies until I went full time into sales coaching in 2023. I did not apply for any promotions or jobs after the day I joined Sony. Yet, I got them all. I eliminated the competition. Observation: Even when writing I can drift off on a tangent. 😊
If you would like to know how you too could bypass the application and resumé game, and get your dream job, contact me at Beentherecs contact-us.
Recognizing a winner
The sales manager is responsible for achieving the sales target that is allocated to his/her business unit. Pretty simple, right? Don’t we wish.
Like all managers of people, the manager is responsible for achieving the goals of the company. All successful managers know that by fully supporting their team members, in a professional, positive, direct, and respectful manner, they will have the strongest of foundations to achieve the objectives of the company, their subordinates, and themselves.
There is much that goes into becoming a winning sales manager. Characteristics of a winning sales manager:
- Strong leader
- Focused
- Success driven
- Positive attitude
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Strong listening skills
- Attention to details
- Timely and coherent communicator
- Consistent (in a positive way)
- Always available for salespeople and customers
- Respects and follows human-resources rules and guidelines
- Always evaluating
- Flexible (ready to adjust to win)
- Active team member
- Supportive of the individuals
- Advocate for the salespeople
- Strong presentation skills
- Diplomat
- Willingness to step-in
- Helps others to achieve their goals
- Always looking forward while learning from the past
- Stands by the salespeople (in winning and losing situations)
- Accepts responsibility
- Leads by example
- Ask open-ended questions
Respect opinions
I loved managing salespeople! I love working with customers to achieve their missions, goals, and dreams. I love leading teams. Regardless of my level in my organization, the job function was always sales manager. And I never left the “field.”
Leading from the front lines
George S. Patton (World War II) was arguably one the most successful field generals in the history of the United States military. Some may even say he was the best. Yes, he was controversial and made mistakes that were not excusable. However, let’s focus on the following. He was effective because he was “in the field.” He was not back in headquarters getting reports.
There were no drones in the sky streaming live video to commanders. If you were not on the battlefield, you had to depend on verbal and written reports that were transmitted using technologies available at the time. All subject to interpretation.
General Patton could see first-hand what was not only happening on the battlefield, but he could also see what was happening with his troops, and his officers. Rightfully or wrongfully, he put himself in harms-way along with those he led.
I am proud of many things I accomplished as a sales manager. One was certainly in the diversity of my salespeople. Another is the retention of my salespeople. In a 15-year stretch at Sony, I only had one salesperson leave my team to go to a different company. We had many reorganizations, and unfortunately, lay-offs. Some people were promoted and took opportunities internally to broaden their experience and value. But, as I said, only one left the company.
That statistic is attributable to the quality of my values, role models, management that supported me, honoring the characteristics that I outlined earlier, and the fact that I was always in the field with my salespeople and customers, sharing their experiences and contributing to get things done for both.
Like General Patton, I was so close to the action, I was able to assist everyone involved with high quality actions, and in a timely fashion. Decision making in real-time gave confidence to the customers that they were in good hands. The salespeople knew I had their backs. Even as a vice president of sales, I was regularly in the field.
Looking forward
As you have read, there is much more to being a successful sales manager than simply tracking sales and writing reports. In future blogs, I will share stories and get into the details related to specific qualities and capabilities necessary to become a winning sales manager.
I want to hear from you
Tell me about your best sales management stories. Who was your best sales manager and why. If you are or have been a sales manager, what is most important to your success. I appreciate your comments and stories. Please send me an email,
Phil has been in sales and sales leadership for over 40 years. He is a multiple award winner and has helped customers such as Fortune 500 companies, U.S. and local governments, institutions of higher education, houses of worship, television/radio companies, and more. Along with his sales teams they have solved thousands of problems, and generated billions of dollars in revenue. He is also known as a strong leader, boasting diversity and employee retention.
Send Phil an email and let him know what sales topics you would like him to write about. How can he help you?
To learn more about BeenThere Consulting Services and how they can help you and your business go to To discuss specific needs or programs with Phil, Whitebloom go to at Beentherecs contact-us or schedule a meeting with Phil at Calendly BeenThereCS.
The BeenThere/SoldThat Podcast
oin Brianna Hendley of Achievant Business Coaching and Phil Whitebloom as they cover sales and business-related topics designed to build your skills and increase your knowledge. Their mission is to provide you with takeaways to help you achieve your goals and dreams.
Click on this link to listen to the Been There Sold That Podcast. Or search Been There Sold That Podcast on your favorite podcast platform.
More from BeenThere SoldThat
Want to know what programs you can participate in to grow your sales and business? Go to and see what programs are available.
Achievant Business Coaching, Your GPS to Success
Brianna Hendley, the founder and CEO of Achievant Business Coaching has a wonderful program underway. Do you want to accelerate your success? Click below to learn more.
You Must Write a Book
You Must Write a Book
Many of you have told me that you are thinking about writing a book. Some of you are in the process of writing. The questions I have for you are, “What do you want your book to do? How will you measure the success of your book?” If the answers to those questions are important to you, then you must learn from an expert, highly accomplished author, entrepreneur, and coach. My friend and mentor, Honorée Corder is that person. The first step is purchasing her series of books, and when you are ready, her courses. I have done this myself. I don’t know how I could have done it without them. Here are the links: YOU MUST WRITE A BOOK
BeenThere Consulting Services, LLC
BeenThere Consulting Services is a sales coaching company. Coaching is more than training. We work with your specific sales needs in real-time. We address what is impacting your business now, while creating enhanced processes and developing skills for future success. Our promise is that you will have actionable take-a-ways after each meeting, which will increase your sales and benefit your business overall.
No one program fits every need. We offer a variety of options to meet the needs of those who want to improve their sales.
One-to-one coaching: Custom programs designed to meet client’s needs.
BeenThere Sales Coaching Hour: Group Coaching focused on specific topics and skills development.
BeenThere/SoldThat Mastermind SB: High-end group coaching for small business owners, where members work together to solve problems for themselves and others.
How to contact us
To determine which program will work for you or someone you know, contact us at Beentherecs contact-us.
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